Wednesday 8 December 2010

On the van heading towards central...

On the bus...


Gets off bus and meets up with Deng auntie near sogou ~ and takes van.. zzz.

Press the red button if you wanna gap XD sthe fan/aircondition is pretty useless in summer...

... Hell...

Stanley! Tourist attraction.

Some building that was on the otherside of hk but become industrial.. maybe central which isnt far away from stanley... and was moved to stanley becuase it wasnt industrial and tourist attraction.. some engrish building.

After walking up the stairs ~

Walking towards the.. port? shelter? meh.

Some rich cunts...

Walking into building to eat XD

Pretty birdy! and random flower collague.. i dont know why... its there.. no sign etc.

nomnomz brunch XD

Entree... only had half of that bread eww carbs.. ellipse cherry tomatoes!!

B3 speakers playing some old guy singing some xmas song.


entree was steak and mom had chick which tasted like pak n save chicken but...

COFFEE MOUSSE with chocolate cake and white chocolate on top SOOOO NICE~ NOT SWEET AT ALL! well.. a bit.. and milk tea X3


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